Primevest Capital Partners

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    Bas Magielse
  • Omschrijving
    Primevest Parking Real Estate invests in car parks, anchored to various vital economic activities. We are always looking for new opportunities and investments.

    Car parks are vital to the attractiveness, quality and effectiveness of inner-city infrastructure, contributing to the reduction of on-street parking and congestion of inner-cities. Primevest Parking Real Estate invests in car parks located in densely populated and economically strong cities with strict and enforced parking policies, anchored to various vital economic activities: working, retail, leisure and/or residential, or in car parks located at hospitals or at infrastructure hubs such as railway stations or airports. We contract long-term, indexed leases yielding stable cash flows and income growth above inflation.

    We invest for the long term and offer our investors an attractive risk-adjusted return driven by a favourable fundamental outlook: car ownership is projected to increase over the long term and cars will remain important to reach inner-city destinations. Car parks are an attractive investment class because of their high Sharpe (risk/return) ratio – the vacancy risk is minimal and rental income is readily being substituted by parking income if an operator defaults. We select best-in-class international or local operators with a good track record to manage the car parks we invest in and pay a sustainable rent that has been derived at from long-term historical turnover figures.

    Primevest Capital Partners is a pan-European investment boutique, specializing in innovative real asset investment strategies. With solid industry knowledge and focus on specialist investment sectors, such as parking, telecommunications and affordable contemporary living, Primevest CP has grown into a leading player in these sectors. Primevest CP seeks to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns for its clients, with a focus on sustainable income and capital growth. Primevest Capital Partners currently has EUR 3.3 billion of assets under management, distributed amongst institutional funds and mandates. Primevest CP employs 60 professionals and operates out of offices in Berlin and Utrecht.
    "We invest in car parks that are vital to the attractiveness, quality and effectiviness of inner-city infrastructure. "
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